09 February 2021

Extended Explorer, the “extendible” concept by Rivellini to travel around the world

09 February 2021
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Valerio Rivellini presents an original 56 metre explorer bringing together military reliability with the comfort of pleasure boating

Valerio Rivellini presents an original 56 metre explorer bringing together military reliability with the comfort of pleasure boating

3 minutes of reading

Valerio Rivellini, naval engineer and yacht designer, managing a studio under his name, has presented the Extended Explorer, the concept for a 56 metre yacht designed to safely and comfortably affront any type of sea or climate.

A successful mix between the reliability of military vessels and the habitability of a luxurious pleasure yacht, a recent trend in the industry, “Extended Explorer began – explains the designer – like many of my other designs, with the desire of fulfilling a dream. This superyacht was created for families wanting to enjoy a trip around the world, alternating completely different landscapes from all points of view, starting with the climate and the seas.”

Stability and robustness allow Extended Explorer to face the icy seas of the North safely and comfortably – notes Rivellini – the exterior spaces also allow the passengers to fully enjoy the warmers seas, from the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, thanks to their size and versatility, as well as being enhanced with an extendible stern.


The extendibility of the stern, a signature mark of the vessels by Rivellini Engineering & Yacht Design – thanks in part to the inclination of the designer, since he was a child, to be in close contact with the water – is here pushed to the extreme, for the first time increasing the usable area of the upper deck, as well as the main deck, when sailing in warmer seas.

The moveable platform extends outward from both sides of the vessel, thereby expanding the outdoor area of the main and upper deck: the latter which can then house a sunbathing and relaxation area, with a conversation area and central dining table, the former becoming a terrace overlooking the sea with a gym and sun loungers, as well as a beach area leading to the water.


The layout of the interiors, personalised depending on the needs of the owner, both in the rooms and furniture (using blue nubuck fabrics and white varnish on the wood), is based on the latest trends in marine living, to recreate an elegantly relaxing atmosphere, in stark contrast with the robust look of the exterior. The full beam owner’s suite, located on the upper deck, has a spectacular view of the surrounding natural panorama as well as the bridge.


Completing Rivellini’s innovation, even the planned propulsion system is hybrid, with reduced environmental impact: a choice following the current demand in the market, looking for alternative solutions to fossil fuels and a full respect of the marine environment.


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