30 July 2022

Heesen launches YN 19755 MY Reliance

30 July 2022
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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MY Reliance is due for delivery in Fall 2022 and will join the exclusive charter fleet of Arcon Yachts

MY Reliance is due for delivery in Fall 2022 and will join the exclusive charter fleet of Arcon Yachts

3 minutes of reading

Heesen is delighted to announce the launch of YN 19755, formerly known as Project Gemini and now named MY Reliance. The yacht began as a speculative venture, and the client, introduced by Arcon Yachts Monaco, joined 15 months into the construction – early enough for Heesen’s engineering team to accommodate some essential modifications that allowed the owners to personalise the yacht to their taste and lifestyle.

The changes include an opening window in the master stateroom and a new layout for their bathroom, and lovely windows in the transom door to allow natural light into the beach club.

“We are pleased that Heesen was able to meet yet another important milestone in the construction of this 55-metre. The experience of the shipyard in the construction of its Series yachts is an awesome guarantee for our clients. Time is priceless for our customers,” says Richard Kaye of Arcon Yachts. “Consequently, for us as the broker, it is invaluable that the shipyard can stick to the schedule. It reinforces our credibility and reassures the client about their choice.”

The shark grey hull – a choice of the owners, to imbue their yacht with a strong character – perfectly matches the muscular exterior by Frank Laupman and echoes the distinctive ‘shark tooth’ in the overhang of the superstructure – a signature design feature that embellishes the profile and makes the Heesen 55-metre Steel design recognisable from far. MY Reliance marks the debut of Heesen’s collaboration with Luca Dini Design and Architecture. The Italian designer and his team worked closely with the owners and Arcon’s project manager to adapt the design to their taste.

Twelve guests are accommodated in six spacious staterooms, with the 82-square-metre owners’ apartment traditionally located on the main deck forward and the VIP on the bridge deck. The remaining guest cabins – two doubles and two twins – are on the lower deck.

“I would like to congratulate our incredible colleagues for their commitment to working hard to meet this important deadline,” says Rick van de Wetering, Heesen COO. “It is a collective success that we also achieved thanks to the impeccable collaboration with our suppliers, who are an integral part of our success and who we consider part of our extended family.”

MY Reliance is due for delivery in Fall 2022 and will join the exclusive charter fleet of Arcon Yachts.

  • 55m Steel FDHF series
  • Exterior by Omega Architects
  • Interior by Luca Dini Design and Architecture
  • 12 guests in six staterooms
  • Sold and project-managed by Arcon Yachts Monaco
  • Available for charter

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