12 October 2023

Hydro Tec presents a new 55 metre catamaran where luxury and technology live in harmony

12 October 2023
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The 55 metre catamaran by Hydro Tec celebrates Mediterranean elegance and technological innovation: this multihull includes a pool, jacuzzi and fireplace

The 55 metre catamaran by Hydro Tec celebrates Mediterranean elegance and technological innovation: this multihull includes a pool, jacuzzi and fireplace

3 minutes of reading

Presented at the 32nd edition of the Monaco Yacht Show, the latest creation by Hydro Tec, a 55-metre catamaran, was inspired by the natural richness of the Mediterranean, as well as long summers abroad and winters in the warmer waters of the Red Sea.

Before opening Hydro Tec – explains president, Sergio CutoloI dedicated part of my career to designing fast catamarans. I always saw this type of vessel as a stimulating challenge, pushing me to think in an unconventional manner. Indeed, multihulls offer fascinating architectural prompts because they have spaces that are very similar to residences and are interestingly complex from a technical point of view.

In all their projects, Hydro Tec pays careful attention to the concept of harmonious integration, because aesthetics and functionality need to balance perfectly. On the 55-metre catamaran, every detail is analysed to ensure it looks pleasing, while also being technically efficient. Over the last 25 years, Hydro Tec has worked on a large range of vessels: from explorers to planing yachts, small tenders and 80 metre megayachts.


The interior has been designed over four decks, connected by a lift. One of the main challenges was that of privacy, which they achieved by distributing the cabins on the upper decks, and displacing technical areas and crew cabins across the two hulls. The left hull houses the crew, while the right is used for storing tenders and toys.

With its 17.5 metres, the main deck is one of the largest spaces on the vessel. To the stern is a pool with an unlimited view of the panorama. The pool’s shape draws the eye towards the main saloon with its 6.5 metre window: this is the location of the dining area, living room and, thanks to the large window, the interior is flooded in natural light.

The guest cabins are inspired by the Mediterranean, from Santorini to Casablanca. The cabins, 40 square metres each, all have collapsible balconies giving guests an oasis of privacy and comfort. The relaxation area is located on the lower deck where the fireplace and jacuzzi are located. The owner’s cabin has an exclusive location: facing the bow on the upper deck and, with its 90 square metres, it completely covers the entire width of the yacht.


The exterior was created with clear-cut yet sinuous lines – says Richard Partington, design director for Hydro Tec – enhanced through distinctive lighting that highlights the arc of the forward rooms and winds around to the back, lending an imposing character to the entire design. The superstructure is like a flowing sculpture that envelopes the wheelhouse, which is discretely located in the upper section.

Propulsion is through two main MTU engines, connected to two fixed-rotor propellers. To these are added the same number of electric engines, powered by the on board network, allowing the vessel to reach speeds of around 10 knots in diesel-electric mode. For this project, Hydro Tec used “Alchimia” the latest innovation by VBH studio. Alchimia melds technology and design together, leaving every room free from visible equipment: screens, speakers or user interfaces are hidden and integrated, almost magically, using natural materials.



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