25 August 2020

Inferno in Porto Cervo. A fire destroys the megayacht Lady MM: 17 castaways saved

25 August 2020
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At dawn the 48 metre megayacht, Lady MM launched a distress signal due to a fire on board. Passengers and crew abandoned ship and got to safety. Rescue operations were impressive

At dawn the 48 metre megayacht, Lady MM launched a distress signal due to a fire on board. Passengers and crew abandoned ship and got to safety. Rescue operations were impressive

3 minutes of reading

A large fire has destroyed the megayacht “Lady MM”, a 48 metre pleasure boat built by ISA Yachts. The vessel caught fire 50 miles from the Emerald Coast, while it was sailing from Capri to Porto Cervo. The 17 people on board were all safe, having reached the coast with a tender.

At 6am on Tuesday 25 August the m/y Lady MM launched their “Distress” signal, immediately picked up by the Coast Guard operations room in Olbia, which located the megayacht approximately 50 miles off the shore of Capo Comino. The port of Olbia immediately sent out two fast SAR patrol boats, while the air base in Decimomannu (Cagliari) sent out a Coast Guard helicopter. The rescue team could see the now out-of-control smoke and fire from miles away.

There was a moment of fear when, upon approaching the vessel, rescuers saw a lifeboat with nobody on board. On board the vessel flying a Cayman Islands flag, which left from Capri for Porto Cervo, there were 17 people on board, including 9 crewmembers and 8 passengers, the latter all being from Kazakhstan.

Only at around 11 o’clock, Porto Cervo Radio informed the Coast Guard operations room that the occupants of the vessel had communicated that they had abandoned ship, were all well and were heading towards the Sardinian coast on board a motorised tender. After having been intercepted, they were escorted to the port in Siniscola by the Coast Guard, who, together with 118 offered the castaways assistance. At the moment investigations are under way to ascertain the cause of the fire.

The Lady MM is 47.5 metres long (155’10) and was built in 2003 by ISA Yachts and refitted in 2013. Her previous name was 360°. Her luxurious interior was designed by Janet Leroy while the exterior design was curated by the architect Walter Franchini. Lady MM can host up to 10 guests in 5 cabins, including a master suite, a VIP cabin and six double cabins, in addition to the 9 crew members.

This megayacht, used for charter, is ideal for entertainment and socialising on board with family and friends. It is built with a steel hull and an aluminium superstructure, equipped with an ultramodern stabilisation system to reduce rolling, guaranteeing maximum comfort during navigation. With a cruising speed of 13 knots and a maximum speed of 16 knots, it has an autonomy of  3,800 nm, filling its 74,000 litre fuel tanks. On board is air conditioning, WiFi connection, a Jacuzzi on the deck, gym equipment, and anchor stabilisers.

lady yacht fire

The Megayacht Lady MM (ex 360) before the fire. Photo courtesy of Charterworld.


Shipyard: ISA Yacht

Length 47.5 metres

Year Built 2003

Refitting: 2013

Flag: Cayman Islands

Hull: Steel

Superstructure: Aluminium

Passengers: 10 passengers

Crew Members: 9

Cruising Speed: 13 knots

Maximum Speed: 16 knots

Video: Coast Guard

Giuseppe Orrù

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2 commenti

  1. tomislav stanin dice:
    25 August 2020 alle 22:24

    Siete bugiardi!vergonatevi!Le persone che hanno lavorato li sono dei miei colleghi e amici.Guardia costiera non ha reagito al mayday!!!!!!!!!!!!equipaggio si e’ salvato da solo con gommone!!!!hanno fatto 60 miglia nautiche e guardia costiera ha restituito la chiamata quando erano 3 miglia nautiche dal Porto Cervo!!!!! Stronzi bugiardi!!!gli hanno lasciati come dei cani bastonati,da soli!!!

    • Giuseppe Orrù dice:
      25 August 2020 alle 23:19

      Gentilissimo Sig. Tomislav, premesso che mi dissocio dai termini e dagli insulti che usa nel commento, posso comprendere il grande spavento per i suoi amici e colleghi che, come dice anche l’articolo, di fatto si sono salvati da soli, raggiungendo la costa con un tender.
      Ovviamente siamo a disposizione di chiunque voglia raccontare la propria versione dei fatti. Quindi, sperando vivamente che tutti gli occupanti del Ladi MM stiano bene (ma così ci risulta), aspettiamo anche una loro testimonianza per fare chiarezza sull’accaduto. Ma gli insulti, rivolti a noi, alla Guardia Costiera o a chiunque sia, quelli per favore lasciamoli da parte, perchè non servono a nulla.