22 May 2024

Ninth Mangusta GranSport 33 launched

22 May 2024
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Large spaces, constant visual contact with the water and a maximum speed of 25 knots are the elements that make the Mangusta GranSport 33 the ideal yacht for relaxing in roads or for pleasant cruising

Ninth Mangusta GranSport 33 launched

Large spaces, constant visual contact with the water and a maximum speed of 25 knots are the elements that make the Mangusta GranSport 33 the ideal yacht for relaxing in roads or for pleasant cruising

2 minutes of reading

Only just a few weeks after the launch of the eighth unit, Overmarine Group have announced the launch of the ninth Mangusta GranSport 33, entry level model for the Mangusta GranSport range, ready for a European owner who will use it to cruise around the Mediterranean. The sale was arranged through a partnership between Nicolò Strocco, Sales Manager for Mangusta, and Floating Life.

The joint work between the technical department of Overmarine Group and designer Alberto Mancini, led to the creation of modern lines that evoke the Mangusta family feeling in a 33 metre yacht, perfectly combining performance, autonomy and large indoor and outdoor spaces.

Large spaces, constant visual contact with the water and a maximum speed of 25 knots are the elements that make the Mangusta GranSport 33 the ideal yacht for relaxing in roads or for pleasant cruising, thanks to its four Volvo Penta 735 kW (1000 Hp) engines and IPS pod. A choice resulting in comfort, reduced fuel consumption, and easy manoeuvrability.

Th 56 m2 sun deck is connected to the bow, with its infinity pool and sun lounge, while the aft platform has an automated staircase, an integrated shower in the hold door, and space for relaxing right on the waterline. On the main deck is the owner’s suite, with a surface area of 40m2 and large windows offering a beautiful view of the water and privacy. On the lower deck are two VIP cabins and two guest cabins.

The next unit available for sale is #12, with delivery planned for summer 2025, proof of the great success of this model.


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