28 January 2021

Olokun sails to the Cote d’Azur. The first images of the new aluminium megayacht by Tankoa

28 January 2021
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After the delivery of the 50 metre yacht to its new owner, Tankoa shared the first photos of its aluminium megayacht at sea.

After the delivery of the 50 metre yacht to its new owner, Tankoa shared the first photos of its aluminium megayacht at sea.

2 minutes of reading

After the delivery of the 50 metre megayacht, “Olokun” to its new owner on 29 December, the Genoese shipyard, Tankoa, shared the first photos of its aluminium yacht at sea. The photos, taken while the vessel was sailing to the Cote d’Azur, where the yacht will spend its first season, enhance the spectacular black hull and the metal grey superstructure.

It was a great pleasure for me – explains Vincenzo Poerio, CEO for Tankoa Yachts – to fully participate in the delivery of Olokun, which happened on schedule, notwithstanding the global pandemic. Along the western coast of Liguria there are a number of successful shipyards working in refitting, but Tankoa is the only one whose core business is to build new superyachts. I am convinced that, working together with local authorities, we can make Tankoa grow even more, until it becomes a point of reference on the global market, for superyachts.

Olokun came to life as an on-spec design, then sold and managed by Camper & Nicholsons. The layout, with interior and exterior design by Francesco Paszkowski and interior decorating by  Casadio Miami, is similar to its predecessors, the 50 metre Bintador and Vertige. Its characteristic black hull is, however, unique, and was done by using high performance varnish that reduces the temperature of the metal, when it is hit by the sun’s rays, by up to 10°C.

This was a very stimulating project – says Giuseppe Mazza, sales manager for Tankoa – because the client signed the contract when the yacht was already 50% finished. Thanks to our partnership with C&N and the owner’s team, led by Casadio Miami, we were able to deliver a beautiful yacht that would fully satisfy the client’s expectations. I am certain that the sporty lines of the Tankoa 50 metres, together with this new and charming black colour, will attract the attention of a number of enthusiasts in marinas around the world.

Another two 50 metre projects are currently under construction in the Tankoa shipyard in Genoa, while the company is proceeding with due diligence procedures for the purchase of the Cantieri di Pisa, and its shipyard.


Photos: Emanuele Carmassi

Giuseppe Orrù


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