06 May 2024

On board the “Heavenly Daze”: classic style and modern technology – Video by DN

06 May 2024
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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We went on board the 32-metre “Heavenly Daze”, a motoryacht built in 1972 and refitted in 2011 by Feadship

We went on board the 32-metre “Heavenly Daze”, a motoryacht built in 1972 and refitted in 2011 by Feadship

2 minutes of reading

The “Heavenly Daze” is a 32 metre motoryacht which combines classic style with innovative technological solutions. The vessel, launched in 1972 by Feadship from Aalsmeer, Netherlands, was attentively refitted in 2011 again by the Dutch shipyard, who wanted to preserve its personality, while also making it modern and elegant.

During the 35th edition of the MYBA Charter Show, which took place at the Porto Antico of Genova, Daily Nautica was able to go on board this yacht along with her captain, Guy Guildford, who showed us the particulars that make the Heavenly Daze so unique.


With two Caterpillar engines, the Heavenly Daze navigates comfortably at 11 knots and reach a maximum speed of 13 knots, with autonomy of up to 2,649 nautical miles thanks to its 24,000 litre tanks. During the refit in 2011 an advanced stabilisation system was installed on board  reducing the lateral rolling of the yacht increasing comfort both at anchor and while sailing.


In addition to the updated technology, the interior was also refitted. On the main deck is a large saloon, with relaxation area, dining area, kitchen and a charming sheltered terrace to the stern with teak flooring and two comfortable sun loungers. Going up to the sun deck is a large space for relaxing in the sun or socialising with friends and family. Depending on the owner’s needs, this area can also be reconfigured into different layouts: with a long dining table in the middle or a series of beds in a row.



Overall length: 32 metres

Beam: 6.6 metres

Maximum Draught: 2.7 metres

Gross Tonnage: 174

Year Built: 1972

Maximum speed: 12 knots

Cruising Speed: 11.5 knots

Engines: 1 X Caterpillar 1000 HP

Fuel tank capacity: 24000 l

Water tank capacity: 8000 l

Accommodation: 4

Passengers: 9




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