26 September 2022

On board the “Lady Lene”: Cannes début for the 34-metre explorer by the Van der Valk shipyard

26 September 2022
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The mega yacht, “Lady Lene” by the Van der Valk shipyard had its public début at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022 Come on board with us to see the luxurious explorer

The mega yacht, “Lady Lene” by the Van der Valk shipyard had its public début at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022 Come on board with us to see the luxurious explorer

1 minutes of reading

It was the public début for the mega yacht “Lady Lene”, the luxurious explorer built by the Van der Valk shipyard; presented at the Cannes Yachting Festival 2022, it was one of the most awaited moments in the event for Van der Valk and for many enthusiasts.

Van der Valk amazed visitors with its three-deck explorer, “Lady Lene”. It is a 34-metre long mega yacht, which came to the attention of the press after it received a commendation at the recent World Superyacht Awards, in addition to being nominated among the finalists at the “World Yachts Trophy in Cannes”, which has already been won by Van der Valk in 2019 with the m/y BeachClub 600.

The Lady Lene is a custom model, with interior design by Carla Guilhem, and exterior design by Guido de Groot.


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