07 November 2022

On board the Soaring, the extra luxury 68 metre superyacht by Abeking & Rasmussen

07 November 2022
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Peter Hurzeler, CEO of Ocean Independence, accompanies us on board the Soaring, built by the German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen

Peter Hurzeler, CEO of Ocean Independence, accompanies us on board the Soaring, built by the German shipyard Abeking & Rasmussen

3 minutes of reading

A while ago, in Genova, we saw the Soaring, a 68-metre extra luxury super yacht, docked at the Magazzini del Cotone, under the Lanterna. At the Monaco Yacht Show, we then had the opportunity to visit her, accompanied by Peter Hurzeler, CEO of Ocean Independence, a brokerage company for vessels and pleasure boats.

The Soaring is 68 metres long and was built by the German shipyard, Abeking & Rasmussen, who launched it in 2020. “It is the best yacht we have in the show – explains Peter Hurzeler to Daily Nautica – and we are proud to have you on this yacht, because it sells itself, thanks to the beauty and quality of the work.

Abeking & Rasmussen is one of the biggest shipyards in northern Europe. It builds one or two large yachts a year. Soaring was designed by Focus Yacht Design, a German studio, and has been built with incredible quality.

The visit begins in the forward salon and library, with a fantastic view of the outside. “It is very airy – notes Hurzeler – and at the same time it is a space that guarantees privacy. In general this is the yacht concept: offer the owner a good level of privacy in all areas and on all decks.”

Regarding places for enjoying the sun, “it doesn’t have a large sun lounge – says our guide – but it has a number of small cosy spaces for passengers to relax in the sun or shade. Its quality can be seen and felt in every corner of the yacht.

Soaring has crossed the Atlantic. It is not a fast yacht: it has a cruising speed of 14-16 knots. There are six cabins, one of which, the owner’s cabin, is very large and to the stern. There is also an ample VIP cabin on the main deck, where there are also another four beautiful and spacious cabins. In all Soaring can accommodate 12 passengers plus 18 crew members.

On board is also an equipped gym, pool, outdoor hot tub, a lift, sauna and jet ski. Available to passengers are also a number of tenders: a 9 metre limousine tender, a 7.50 metre open tender and a 5.5 metre jet tender.


Length: 68.20 m (223’9”)

Beam: 11.9 m

Draught: 3.5 m

Gross Tonnage: 1,420 GT

Cruising Speed: 14 knots

Maximum speed: 16.5 knots

Year Built: 2020

Builder: Abeking & Rasmussen

Model: Custom

Exterior Designer: Focus Yacht Design

Interior design: Focus Yacht Design

Passengers: 12

Cabins: 6

Crew: 18.


Video by Claudio Colombo


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