03 February 2025

Outfitting the Admiral “Galileo” 82m continues

03 February 2025
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The outfitting phase for the Admiral Galileo is concentrating on installing technology systems and navigational tools as well as finalising interior and exterior spaces

Outfitting the Admiral “Galileo” 82m continues

The outfitting phase for the Admiral Galileo is concentrating on installing technology systems and navigational tools as well as finalising interior and exterior spaces

2 minutes of reading

Outfitting the megayacht Admiral Galileo is continuing in the Marina di Carrara shipyard.  Designed by The Italian Sea Group Style Centre, in partnership with London-based studio, Bannenberg & Rowell Design, who curated the interior design, this 82-metre steel and aluminium yacht highlights the perfect balance between aesthetics and performance, with the highest design and quality.

The current phase of the outfitting process is concentrating on installing cutting edge technology systems, navigation systems, as well as finalising the interior and exterior spaces, which promise to be among some of the most exclusive in the world.

With the mega yacht Admiral Galileo 82m – notes Giovanni Costantino, founder and CEO of The Italian Sea Group – we are cementing our growth in the American market, especially in the full custom large yacht segment. We are completing each phase of the design with the utmost attention to detail, to guarantee that the Galileo represents the epitome of luxury and innovation.”

Galileo, whose exterior design is sinuous and elegant, has ample spaces and large windows over four decks, and can accommodate 12 people and 28 crew members. It has a number of peculiar characteristics, including a 130m2 upper deck dedicated to the owner’s cabin, saloon of over 100m2 on each deck, a waterfall connecting two of the four pools on board (including one 7.5×3.5 metres long), an underwater cinema lounge and a beach area with gym, spa and massage room.

One of the most extraordinary innovations is the engine room, which is visible and integrated into the design of the interiors through a long corridor connecting the spa with the foyer on the upper deck. Delivery of the Galilieo is expected at the beginning of 2026.


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