12 November 2021

“Quantum of Solace” it isn’t a Bond film, but a 72 metre mega yacht Images by LN

12 November 2021
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The mega yacht, “Quantum of Solace”, built by the Turkish shipyard, Turquoise Yachts, has the same name as one of the James Bond films. A whim of its first owner. Here are our photos

The mega yacht, “Quantum of Solace”, built by the Turkish shipyard, Turquoise Yachts, has the same name as one of the James Bond films. A whim of its first owner. Here are our photos

2 minutes of reading

Yes, the name of the “Quantum of Solace” mega yacht is the same as a 007 James Bond film. But in this case, it has nothing to do with the cinema.

Quantum of Solace is a 72.64 metre long mega yacht, built in 2012 by the Turkish shipyard, Turquoise Yachts. It was designed by the English H2 Yacht Design. It was originally designed for use as a luxury charter, thanks to its ample living space and fabled services. We saw it docked at the latest iteration of the Monaco Yacht Show.

On board are 7 suites, for a maximum number of 12 passengers. The full beam master cabin also includes an office. There are 18 crew members. Passengers can relax in the Turkish bath or in the well equipped spa. The pool is perfect for training, as is the fully equipped onboard gym. Otherwise passengers can relax in the hot tub.

Quantum of Solace has two Caterpillar engines, allowing it to comfortably sail at 15 knots and reach a maximum speed of 17 knots. Its maximum autonomy is 7 thousand  miles at 12 knots, thanks to its 204 thousand litre fuel tanks.

There are a number of water toys, like the 6 metre waterslides, two WaveRunners, a Seabob and three tenders, including an 8-metre Limo Tender. There is also a helipad to the bow. Spending a week on holiday on the Quantum of Solace costs 560 thousand euros, plus expenses.

And why was this name chosen? Its first owner, the American billionaire John Staluppi, is a living legend in the boating industry, famous for collecting some of the fastest and most luxurious yachts in the world. His entire “fleet” has one thing in common: all his yachts are named after a James Bond film.


Length: 72.6 m

Beam: 12.23m

Draught:  4 m

Gross Tonnage: 1,730 GT

Cabins: 7

Passengers: 12

Crew: 18

Cruising Speed: 13.5 knots

Year Built: 2012

Builder: Turquoise Yachts

Model: custom

Exterior and Interior Designer: H2 Yacht Design


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