28 July 2020

The AMO mega yacht in Camogli: LN’s images of the 47 metre vessel by Sanlorenzo in roads off Punta Chiappa

28 July 2020
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We have sighted the mega yacht, AMO in roads off Punta Chiappa, Camogli. This is a beautiful Sanlorenzo launched in 2019. Elegant and imposing lines for a true sea explorer

We have sighted the mega yacht, AMO in roads off Punta Chiappa, Camogli. This is a beautiful Sanlorenzo launched in 2019. Elegant and imposing lines for a true sea explorer

2 minutes of reading

A covered garage that can house tenders up to 7 metres, while further openings significantly increase the beach area to favour complete connection with the sea. Amo is a true explorer of the seas, a Sanlorezo of 47 metres in length, launched in 2019, capable of housing in its large stern area on the main deck even a small helicopter and a series of water toys.

We spotted it in roads off Punta Chiappa, in the Municipality of Camogli, towing and launching some of the water toys on board, including the tender and a number of dinghies. You can admire it in the photos and video we took. Amo is a motor yacht, a 500Exp model, built in the Sanlorenzo shipyard in Viareggio and delivered to its owner in 2019. Internal and external lines were designed by Francesco Paszkowski Design.

Amo can easily host up to 10 people, in 5 cabins to be coddled by the 8 crew members, for a relaxing and luxurious cruising experience. The mega yacht has a steel hull, a fin keel, and an aluminium superstructure, with teak decking.

It was built according to the ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) classification system.
Powering this ship are 2 Caterpillar diesel engines, allowing it to reach a maximum speed of 16 knots and to cruise comfortably at 11 knots. Its tanks can hold 60 thousand litres of fuel (diesel) and 8 thousand litres of fresh water. The water tank holds approximately 8,000 litres of fresh water.


Model: 500Exp

Overall length: 47.00 m

Width: 9.6 m

Maximum speed: 15 knots

Full-load draught: 2.75 m

Engines: 2 X CAT C 32

Guest beds: 10 people

Crew beds: 8 people

Fuel tank capacity: 60,000 l


Giuseppe Orrù

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