30 April 2024

The “Barbara Anne” hits the water: the sixth DOM133 by Baglietto

30 April 2024
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The sixth model of the DOM133 by Baglietto launched from the Carrara facility; its interior is inspired by car design

The “Barbara Anne” hits the water: the sixth DOM133 by Baglietto

The sixth model of the DOM133 by Baglietto launched from the Carrara facility; its interior is inspired by car design

2 minutes of reading

The sixth DOM133 by Baglietto, the Barbara Anne, displacement yacht in aluminium, was launched from the shipyard’s Carrara facility, to be transferred to the  La Spezia site to complete fitting.

The float-out, in the presence of the owner, who completed the purchase through Northrop & Johnson, yacht brokers from Fort Lauderdale, is the last in a series of inaugurations for Baglietto, and shows the appreciation for this vessel, designed by Stefano Vafiadis, whose tenth model has already been booked by an Australian owner.


This sixth DOM133, with a pair of Caterpillar C32 engine, keeps the style innovation introduced by the previous motoryacht, Astera, including the connection of the interior spaces to the exterior for increased contact with the water.

Just as the large windows on the left-hand side, made possible by moving the ventilation conduits, provides the main saloon with a stunning panoramic view, while on the upper deck, two full height windows open out onto lateral balconies. To the stern is a two-level pool, while, for this DOM133 Baglietto, a second has been added to the upper deck, designed and created to measure for the owner.


The interiors are by Leonardo Santi and are inspired by car design, including the colours: red, green, Ferrari blue and Lamborghini orange mark the passenger cabins (on the lower deck), while the wheelhouse’s carbon fibre top has a bronzed look, with grilles reminiscent of sports cars.

Furniture and design accessories, all by Minotti, with a custom light by Paolo Castelli, will attenuate the elegance with warm tones, like cream and bronze, light wood, both smooth and ribbed, with LED inserts and metallic bronze frames.


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