15 September 2023

The Boat International World Superyacht Awards to be held in Venice in spring 2024

15 September 2023
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From 3 to 5 May 2024, designers, architects and the owners of large pleasure boats will be called upon to deliver the superyacht Oscars

The Boat International World Superyacht Awards to be held in Venice in spring 2024

From 3 to 5 May 2024, designers, architects and the owners of large pleasure boats will be called upon to deliver the superyacht Oscars

2 minutes of reading

In spring 2024 the Boat International Superyacht Awards will return to Venice after nearly 30 years: from 3 to 5 May representatives of shipyards, designers, and architects from around the world will be called upon to award the best vessel among all of those competing. Aesthetic, architectural, naval and technological qualities will be used to determine the best superyacht, voted on by an independent jury made up of current and past yacht owners: stars of the scene, just like those participating in the Film Festival every year.


Sponsored by the Acquera Club, part of the Acquera Yachting Group, and managed in partnership with Knightsbridge Circle (one of the main concierge companies working in super luxury), with the support of the City of Venice, the city on the lagoon will take on the Neptune (the Boat International Superyacht Awards trophy, considered to be the Oscar of yachts) from Istanbul and bring it back to Italy after 27 years. The Group will be organising the entire event, while also promoting places to explore in and around Venice.

Having the Boat International Superyacht Awards – explains Stefano Tositti, CEO of Acquera Group – turns the attention of some of the top players in yachting to Venice, and, as a consequence, onto the Italian market for super luxury boating, promoting the sector as reliable and just as attractive as the national treasures, landscapes and artistic treasures for international visitors. For Venice it is an added push to evaluate the potential of this industry, capable of generating a network of business superior in value and long-term returns, to that of the other kinds of tourism that fill Venice. As a consequence, we need to review and relaunch the luxury boating market.

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