01 March 2021

The mega yacht, “GO” crashes against a pier. The video

01 March 2021
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The 77-metre mega yacht, “Go”, launched in 2018, crashed against a wooden pier in the Sint Maarten yacht club in the Caribbean. The accident was caused by a malfunction of the onboard electronic systems

The 77-metre mega yacht, “Go”, launched in 2018, crashed against a wooden pier in the Sint Maarten yacht club in the Caribbean. The accident was caused by a malfunction of the onboard electronic systems

2 minutes of reading

The mega yacht, “GO” crashes against a pier in the port. The accident took place at the prominent Sint Maarten yacht club, in the Caribbean, where the 77-metre mega yacht was turning near the wooden piers.

It was probably due to the malfunction of the onboard electronic systems, but the m/y Go lost control and crashed against a wooden pier.

The “Go” was launched in 2018 by Turquoise Yachts, and has an estimated value of 75 million euros. It is the property of the Swiss billionaire, Hans Peter Wild, CEO of the well-known fruit juice company, Capri-Sonne (Capri Sun). On board Go is a gym with Turkish bath, a pool, a hospital and a heliport.

According to local sources, the vessel has had significant damage, but no injuries were recorded, neither on land nor among crew members.  The episode was recorded by the phones of a number of people who were on board other vessels in the area, and the videos quickly began circulating online.

Early investigations have ascertained a malfunction in the onboard computer. During the manoeuvre the wheel of the mega yacht stopped responding to commands, right when they were trying to leave the Simpson Bay Laguna. The boat then crashed into the wooden piers of the yacht club.


Length: 77 m (253 ft)

Passengers: 18

Cabins: 9

Crew: 19 in 11 cabins

Builder: Turquoise Yachts

Designer: H2 Yacht Design

Interior Designer: H2 Yacht Design


Video: Christopher Kessel | Plan M8 |The Drift on Facebook

Giuseppe Orrù


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