29 November 2021

The mega yacht “Kingdom 5KR” by Benetti is in Genoa. It was used as a set for a James Bond film

29 November 2021
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The “Kingdom 5KR” mega yacht is docked at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa. It is an 86-metre Benetti that used to belong to former American president Donald Trump and was used as a set for “Never Say Never Again”.

The “Kingdom 5KR” mega yacht is docked at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa. It is an 86-metre Benetti that used to belong to former American president Donald Trump and was used as a set for “Never Say Never Again”.

2 minutes of reading

The slightly retro design of the mega yacht docked at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa, managed by Pesto Sea Group, is that of the “Kingdom 5KR”, an 86 metre pleasure boat built by Benetti in Viareggio and launched in 1979.

The exterior design of this splendid mega yacht, launched in 1979, with its last refit in 1993, was by Bannenberg & Rowell, while the interior was designed by Luigi Sturchio. It is understood that its current owner is the Saudi Emirate Al-Walid bin Talal, but, since 1979 to the present, it has had a number of famous owners.  When this pleasure boat’s name was “Trump Princess”, its owner was former president of the United States, Donald Trump.

In addition to its famous owners, the Kingdom 5KR, now flying the Saudi flag, is famous also for being mentioned in Queen’s “Khashoggi’s Ship”  in their 1989 album, “The Miracle”. But that’s not all: Kingdom 5KR is also well known to movie lovers as it was the set, in 1983, of the James Bond film, “Never Say Never Again”.

On board this colossal of the seas is space for 22 passengers, taken care of by a crew of 31. The hull is in steel, with a superstructure in aluminium and decks in teak. Among the various comforts are a health spa and gym, and the helipad on the upper deck.

The Kingdom 5KR’s cruising speed is 17 knots, allowing the yacht an autonomy of 9,790 miles. Its maximum speed however, is 20 knots. To fill the tanks it needs a good 615 thousand litres of fuel.


Length: 86 m

Beam: 13.2 m

Draught: 4.7 m

Gross Tonnage: 2.328 GT

Builder: Benetti Yachts

Exterior Designer: Bannenberg & Rowell

Interior design: Luigi Sturchio

Year Built: 1980

Last refit: 1993

Model: custom

Passengers: 22

Crew: 31

Cruising Speed: 17 kn

Maximum speed: 20 kn

Fuel tanks: 615,000 l

Fresh water tanks: 181,000 l


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