20 October 2021

The mega yacht, Plvs Ultra, sighted in Genova: images by Liguria Nautica

20 October 2021
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The mega yacht, Plvs Ultra has been spotted in the Ligurian capital - the 73.5 metre pleasure ship was created by Tim Heywood

The mega yacht, Plvs Ultra has been spotted in the Ligurian capital - the 73.5 metre pleasure ship was created by Tim Heywood

2 minutes of reading

The mega yacht Plvs Ultra has returned to Genova. We saw it, photographed and filmed it in all the magnificence of its 73.5 metres.

From the water, it is difficult to see the two pools, one on the waterline to the stern and one on the fly deck at midship, as well as the helicopter landing pad on the deck immediately below, which can be turned into a sun deck when unoccupied by the aircraft. The vessels also has a sauna, Turkish bath and a gym.

The Plvs Ultra is one of the biggest yachts ever made by the Dutch shipyard, Amels Yachts and is part of the limited 242 limited edition series by Amels. The yacht, measuring 241.14 ft/73.5 metres, was built in the Vlissingen (Holland) shipyard, based on the design by Tim Heywood, and was delivered to its owner in 2016. The interior was designed by Winch Design.

Up to 12 passengers can comfortably travel on the Plvs Ultra, staying in 6 cabins, including a master suite, two VIP cabins, two full and one double cabin. It can also transport up to 23 crew members, guaranteeing a cruise experience full of relaxation and luxury.

The displacement hull is in steel, with a superstructure in aluminium and decks in teak. When it is in roads and the waves disturb the passengers, the “zero speed stabilisers” can be turned on, working when the vessel is at anchor, and increasing on board comfort.

Fuelled by 2 Caterpillar (3516C) 2,575 HP diesel engines and powered by its twin-screw propellers, Plvs Ultra can reach maximum speeds of 16 knots and travel comfortably at 15 knots. With its fuel tank holding up to 155 thousand litres of fuel, it had an autonomy of 5 thousand nautical miles at 12.5 knots. The freshwater tanks have a capacity of around 38 thousand litres. The yacht flies the Cayman Islands flag.


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