11 March 2025

The refit division in Cantieri di Pisa is growing

11 March 2025
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The boom in the refit division continues, with new superyacht commissions and over 30 vessels in progress

The refit division in Cantieri di Pisa is growing

The boom in the refit division continues, with new superyacht commissions and over 30 vessels in progress

3 minutes of reading

The refit division for Cantieri di Pisa is continuing to expand; over the last three years there has been a jump in demand, with turnover in 2024 five times higher than the previous year. Of the 30 yachts currently in progress, there are three superyachts built by some of the top shipyards in the world. They will soon be redelivered to their owners, after being painted and re-classed. These are a 50-metre Benetti, a 41-metre Feadship and a 43 metre sailing yacht by Perini Navi, for a total length of 134 metres.

We are very pleased – says Marco Massabò, CEO for Cantieri di Pisa – with these recent commissions. The refit division is growing both in turnover, with a revenue five times higher than the previous year, and in square metres. Now the area dedicated to refitting inside our perimeter is 24,000 square metres, our direct employees are 20 to which will soon be added another ten professionals and each project has an ancillary workforce of between 200 and 300 people.”

The refit division’s strong points

The refit division uses its own tools, including a forklift and travel lift of 300 tonnes each. Among their strong points is the close partnership and direct communication between the Research and Development department and the captains. Just as the custom department has the skills of the shipyard in working with carbon fibre, fibreglass, steel and aluminium using the 45° welding technique, currently used in Northern Europe.  It also benefits from the care of the production artistry and, last but not least, of the prestige of a shipyard that has made its mark in the history of international boating.

Among the added values of the refit division – explains Umberto Nannola, refit manager for Cantieri di Pisa – in addition to the company’s great expertise, we respect the price agreed upon during the initial phase, even though it often happens that in this type of work, which often lasts months, there can be changes in conditions with the need to reschedule or re-assess the work. Additionally, clients perceive the efficiency and harmony between the different departments in the yard, which has been a characteristic of this company I have been working in since 1999, in the last few years. This is seen not only in the number of commissions, but also in the decisions made by clients coming from far away, who decide to come to us, in spite of the distance and the availability of companies closer to them.”

This is the case, for example of the majestic sailing ship by Perini Navi that came to Pisa through Monaco-based company Simonazzi Yachts run by Claudio Simonazzi. In order to move the boat to the interior of the facility, it has to be de-masted in order to enter the channels of the Navicelli. The Benetti superyacht came through Ligurian company YOT run by Fortunato Di Marco and Alessandro Speziari.



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