15 April 2023

The second unit of the Bilgin 163 50-metre superyacht has been sold

15 April 2023
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The second unit of the Bilgin 163 50-metre yacht, built by Bilgin Yachts has been sold and will be delivered to its owner in May 2024

The second unit of the Bilgin 163 50-metre superyacht has been sold

The second unit of the Bilgin 163 50-metre yacht, built by Bilgin Yachts has been sold and will be delivered to its owner in May 2024

3 minutes of reading

The second unit of the Bilgin 163 series built by Bilgin Yachts has been sold; a 50 metre superyacht known for its elegant design and exceptional performance.

The sale of “Project Ame” (the yacht’s name) was facilitated by the partnership between FGI Yacht Group, with Frank Grzeszczak Jr., vice president & sales broker for FGI Yacht Group and Berkay Yılmaz, sales manager for  Bilgin Yachts.

We are enthusiastic – says İsmail Şengün, Ceo for Bilgin Yachts – that we have sold the second unit of the Bilgin 163, which reflects the yacht’s style and exceptional design, as well as the superior quality of our team’s skills. It is very gratifying to see our ambitious design be built and to receive such positive feedback from our clients.

Grzeszczak Jr. does not hide his pride for Project Ame, to be delivered to its owner in May 2024. “The level of professionalism and flexibility demonstrated throughout the negotiation and design process – explains Frank Grzeszczak Jr – was exceptional to say the least. I can say that Bilgin is the perfect choice for my client, who wanted flexibility and the freedom to make changes to a project that was already being built.


Berkay Yilmaz, sales manager for Bilgin Yachts, describes the interiors of the Bilgin 163-II as modern, luxurious and elegant. “Project Ame – he notes – is the evolution of the Eternal Spark and M/Y Snow 5 which was displayed during the Monaco Yacht Show 2022 and successfully sold. This will be another splendid yacht that will navigate the waters of the United States with an expert owner.”

This imposing yacht has exterior design and naval architecture by Unique Yacht Design and interiors by Hot LabEmrecan Özgün, founder of Unique Yacht Design, and manager of the meticulous work on the exterior of this model, reminds us that on the Bilgin 163, the exterior areas are larger and give it a sporty aspect. The interiors have a modern look, full of texture and reflective materials,which make the space look larger while giving the sensation of an extremely high end product.

The Bilgin 163 is a perfect mix of design, artistry and attention to detail, it has two CAT 1,450 HP engines allowing it to reach maximum speeds of 16.5 knots, and with contained fuel consumption.


Hull configuration: displacement

Hull material: steel

Superstructure Material: aluminium

Length f.t.: 49.95 m

Waterline Length: 48.26 m

Beam: 9.25 m

Full-load draught: 2.60 m

Displacement with full-load: 495 t

Gross Tonnage: 499 GT

Fuel tanks: 55,000 l

Fresh water tanks: 11,000 l

Main Engines: 2 x CAT C32 1.081 kW at 2,150 rpm

Maximum speed: 16.5 knots

Cruising Speed: 12 knots

Autonomy at cruising speed: 5,000 nm

Exterior design: Unique Yacht Design

Naval Architecture: Unique Yacht Design

Interior design: Hot Lab

Builder: Bilgin Yachts


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