27 June 2022

The Sixth Sense docked in Genoa: it belongs to the cruise king, Micky Arison

27 June 2022
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We sighted the megayacht, Sixth Sense at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa, a beautiful 74-metre pleasure boat that belongs to the president of the Carnival Corporation

We sighted the megayacht, Sixth Sense at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genoa, a beautiful 74-metre pleasure boat that belongs to the president of the Carnival Corporation

2 minutes of reading

The 74-metre length of the megayacht, Sixth Sense, was visible in the skyline of the Magazzini del Cotone in Genoa, docked at the Marina Molo Vecchio.

A beautiful pleasure boat, owned by Micky Arison, the cruise king. Indeed, Micky Arison in the president and chief executive officer of the Carnival Corporation, the largest cruising group in the world. His personal worth is estimated at 6.1 billion dollars.

The Sixth Sense stayed in Genoa for a few days, before leaving for the South. After stopping at Isola d’Elba, in Marciana, it headed towards Porto Cervo, where it will most likely remain for the summer season. Sixth Sense was built by Amels, in the Vlissingen shipyard, in Holland, and was delivered to its owner in June 2019. The exterior design of this luxury ship is the work of Tim Heywood Design.

It can host up to 12 passengers on board in six suites, cared for by 19 crew members. The hull of the Sixth Sense is in steel, with a superstructure in aluminium and decks in teak. Its maximum speed is 17 knots. Sailing at 12 knots, Sixth Sense has an autonomy of up to 5 thousand miles, thanks to its 165 thousand litre fuel tanks. Its freshwater tanks have a capacity of around 38 thousand litres.


Length: 74 m

Beam: 12.46 m

Draught: 3.85 m

Builder: Amels

Model: Amels 242

Exterior Designer: Tim Heywood Design

Year Built: 2019

Gross Tonnage: 1,787 GT

Cruising Speed: 15 knots

Maximum speed: 17 knots


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