12 June 2023

The superyacht, Planet Nine (with helicopter) sighted in Genova: images by DN

12 June 2023
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We saw in the port of Genova, the super yacht, Planet Nine, by Admiral, the shipyard part of the Italian Sea Group, along with its helicopter on deck Here are the photos and video

We saw in the port of Genova, the super yacht, Planet Nine, by Admiral, the shipyard part of the Italian Sea Group, along with its helicopter on deck Here are the photos and video

2 minutes of reading

The superyacht Planet Nine was sighted docked in Genova. If the name doesn’t tell you anything, try and imagine it while it is cruising in the waters of the Amalfi Coast, where it towers over the sea with is six decks and helipad.

The motor yacht explorer, Planet Nine, built by Admiral, a shipyard part of the Italian Sea Group, was the set chosen for the filming of the Italian scenes in the movie Tenet by British director, Christopher Nolan. A spy story action movie where the protagonist-antagonist Andrei Sator, played by Kenneth Branagh, lives on the vessel – a castle on the water.


The 74-metre long yacht has a 300 square metre main deck dedicated exclusively to the owner, who enjoys a primary cabin, lounge and secondary cabin. On that same deck is also a theatre room with a 119” screen, while the guest areas, including an ample panoramic observatory lounge, are located on the upper deck, with their cabins (five plus one for the staff) are on the lower deck. On the fourth deck is the wheelhouse, and VIP cabin to the stern. All the decks are connected by two lifts, one for crew use, and the other for passengers.


The m/y Planet Nine seen in Genova, in addition to its imposing presence, deserving of an equally imposting action movie, was also chosen for its additional methods of transport. It has two tenders, both Rupert Marine 32 dual engines, stored in two separate tender bays to the stern of the main deck, next to the helipad. This is ready to accommodate an Angusta Grande helicopter, which also has its own hangar below and a refuelling station. And, a novelty for a vessel of this size, there is also an office with a cabin for the helicopter pilot on board.

Planet Nine also does not disappoint in its interiors, designed for maximum comfort for those on board, with a style which is both old fashioned and modern, giving a modern design to the yachts of the past.


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