27 January 2025

TISG launches their new flagship, the Admiral 78: timeless elegance and technological innovation

27 January 2025
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The Admiral 78 is 78 metres long uniting nautical tradition, technological innovation and sustainability

TISG launches their new flagship, the Admiral 78: timeless elegance and technological innovation

The Admiral 78 is 78 metres long uniting nautical tradition, technological innovation and sustainability

3 minutes of reading

The Italian Sea Group have celebrated the launch of the new flagship, the Admiral 78, a perfect fusion between nautical tradition, advanced technological solutions, and improved sustainability. The launch of this 78-metre megayacht, the latest member of the Admiral fleet, took place a few days ago at the headquarters in Marina di Carrara, in the presence of the owner’s team, local authorities and politicians, as well as the TISG team who worked on building this extraordinary yacht.

The Admiral 78, whose interiors and exteriors were designed by international design studio, Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design, with naval architecture curated by TISG, is a symbol of excellence and innovation, and marks a new milestone in luxury boating.

The uniqueness of this megayacht – notes Giovanni Costantino, founder and CEO of The Italian Sea Group – lies in our ability to interpret absolute beauty, going deep into every single detail. This passion comes from being Italian, that Italian-ness that makes us unique in every field. The Admiral 78 is not just a superyacht, but a promise of unforgettable experiences at sea, the perfectly brings together innovation, elegance, and a profound respect for the environment. The future of luxury boating is already here.


The exterior of the Admiral 78 stand out, not only for their recognisable colours, but for its pure and dynamic profile, flowing elegantly from stem to stern, giving life to a fascinating and captivating design. Its refinement is enhanced by a 6-metre-long pool, an exclusive spa, a diving area for divers, a hi-tec gym and touch & go helicopter pad.


The Admiral 78 is a step forward in nautical excellence due to its innovative design and cutting edge technology. With a steel hull and aluminium superstructure, this vessel has a revolutionary diesel/electric propulsion system. At the heart of this innovative system are the variable speed generators, azipods that eliminate vibrations and guarantee excellent manoeuvrability.

In addition, there is a lithium polymer battery pack, allowing loads to be optimally distributed, and to spend hours in silence at zero emissions. This system combines exceptional performance with a minimum environmental impact, positioning the Admiral 78 at the forefront of green boating.

The design is not just an example of sophisticated engineering, but a declaration of intent. The sustainable approach used in creating this vessel offers unprecedented energy efficiency, and reflects the shipyard’s efforts in finding ecological solutions for the boating industry, demonstrating that luxury and sustainability can go hand in hand.


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