04 November 2022

Tour of the “Piccolo” the 38 metre megayacht by Alpha Yachts

04 November 2022
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We went on board the “Piccolo,” the 38.1 metre megayacht by Alpha Yachts Accompanying us during our visit was Kurt Bosshardt from Denison Yachting

We went on board the “Piccolo,” the 38.1 metre megayacht by Alpha Yachts Accompanying us during our visit was Kurt Bosshardt from Denison Yachting

1 minutes of reading

We went on board the “Piccolo,” the 38 metre megayacht by Alpha Yachts. Accompanying us in our visit, during the latest edition of the Monaco Yacht Show, was Kurt Bosshardt from Denison Yachting.

The Piccolo was delivered by Alpha Yachts in 2020, has 5 cabins, and is up for sale for 12.9 million euros. It has two Caterpillar C18 engines making the vessel particularly efficient.

One of the unique characteristics of this pleasure boat, is that it has the perfect layout for Mediterranean cruises, with its cavaliering glass doors, that completely shut off the saloon, allowing the interior to be air conditioned, or, which can be opened to enjoy a meal in the fresh air.

The Piccolo’s Sun Deck is very large: it extends over 104 square metres, a surface area which is usually seen in megayachts of at least 50 metres.


Video by Claudio Colombo

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