22 March 2021

The first Lagoon 55 catamaran has been launched: it will be presented in Sardinia in July

22 March 2021
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The first unit of the Lagoon 55 catamaran was launched in Bordeaux, a new model from the French shipyard, world leader in manufacturing multihull vessels. It will be available in Italy from July

The first Lagoon 55 catamaran has been launched: it will be presented in Sardinia in July

The first unit of the Lagoon 55 catamaran was launched in Bordeaux, a new model from the French shipyard, world leader in manufacturing multihull vessels. It will be available in Italy from July

2 minutes of reading

The first unit of the Lagoon 55 catamaran has been launched in Bordeaux. The encounter between the water and the latest model made by the Lagoon shipyard took place a few days ago. This model is the 55, a name which certainly caught the attention of followers of the French brand, undisputed world leader in manufacturing multihull vessels.


Lagoon 55 was the first cruising catamaran to be built by the Bordeaux shipyard in 1987, paving the way for a new way of enjoying the sea with two hulls, both comfortably and safely. Today, with more than 6 thousand Lagoon catamarans sailing the seas of the world, the 55 is inaugurating a new generation of boats designed by the famous designers, Van Peteghem and Vincent Lauriot-Prévost.

The stern is completely different from what we are used to seeing: the spaces and layout of the relaxation area have been improved, creating a terrace overlooking the sea, allowing passengers to enjoy an uninterrupted view of the panorama.

The new Lagoon 55


Regarding the interiors, designed by Italian designers, Nauta Design, light and ventilation are the highlights. Top hung windows on the roof complete the large lateral windows, creating an open air effect and a perfect connection with the landscape and the outdoors.


To admire the new Lagoon 55 in real life, in Italy, we need to wait a few months. A presentation will be held in July by Simone Morelli’s NSS, at the Marina di Cala dei Sardi in Sardinia, where visitors can view and test the entire Lagoon range.

Even though the Covid emergency – explains Simone Morelliis forcing manufacturers and dealers to skip boat shows, which have mostly been cancelled, we thought to become promoters and organisers of the public presentation event for the new 55. Cala dei Sardi is a protected area and easy to control, so as to guarantee the best sanitary conditions.” Dates and details will be released over the coming weeks.


Giuseppe Orrù

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