03 May 2023

The new Wally101 Full Custom cruiser racer has launched: another iconic sailing super yacht

03 May 2023
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The Wally101 Full Custom is equipped with the Wally Enhanced Hydraulic System, the hydraulic sail regulation system that includes multiple pumps to speed up manoeuvring

The Wally101 Full Custom is equipped with the Wally Enhanced Hydraulic System, the hydraulic sail regulation system that includes multiple pumps to speed up manoeuvring

3 minutes of reading

Marina di Ravenna was host to the launch of the new Wally101 Full Custom. This cruiser racer by Wally, destined to become another icon of the range, is inspired by the design of the emblematic Wallycento class, uniting maxi racer performance with comfortable cruising.

After the Baron D, Nahita and the Wally144 Full Custom we have launched over the last few years – said Stefano de Vivo, Managing Director for Wally – this is the 48th Wally sailing superyacht, completely rebuilt using carbon fibre, which will enhance the remarkable contribution of the brand to progress, in terms of design and technological innovation in the sailing sector. Launching a full custom 101-footer in this historical period is a great achievement, which demonstrates yet again Wally and Ferretti Group’s skill in putting themselves at the forefront, even in the competitive sailing superyacht market.


I am extremely proud – added Luca Bassani, founder and Chief Designer for Wally – of the results we have achieved with the Wally101 Full Custom, whose no-load displacement is only 55 tonnes, around 15% less than other yachts of a similar size and configuration, with 40% of its final displacement in the lifting keel. An exceptional result achieved thanks to sophisticated carbon fibre technology, introduced and developed by Wally over the years, using an advanced composite sandwiched with pre-impregnated carbon fibre.

Naval architecture was curated by  judel/vrolijk & co. studio, while the exterior and interior design were developed by the Wally Sailing Design Team managed by Luca Bassani, in partnership with Studio Santa Maria Magnolfi. This new Wally101 Full Custom is equipped with the Wally Enhanced Hydraulic System, the hydraulic sail regulation system that includes multiple pumps to further speed up manoeuvring.

The lifting keel increases the draught from 4.70 to 6.80 metres, achieving incomparable close-hauled performance. The new Wally101 Full Custom easily achieves elevated performance at all speeds and in all configurations, while, when using its engines, it can reach speeds of 11.5 knots, thanks to its 425Hp propulsion system.


This cruiser racer combines a high performance platform with a family-friendly exterior and Interior layout. The upper deck has a cockpit at midships with a table for eight people and a sun area to the stern for relaxing. The owner’s cabin has an en-suite bathroom and a walk-in wardrobe, while two guest cabins with bathroom can house up to six people. The saloon includes a living area and dining area for 10-12 people. The service area includes a dinette for the crew, laundry room, kitchen and two cabins with bathroom for the four sailors.


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