07 June 2021

A container ship knocks over two cranes during manoeuvres in Taiwan

07 June 2021
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A container ship has knocked over two cranes while manoeuvring in the port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. While one crane was falling it knocked over the second: both crashed into a pile of containers

A container ship has knocked over two cranes while manoeuvring in the port of Kaohsiung in Taiwan. While one crane was falling it knocked over the second: both crashed into a pile of containers

1 minutes of reading

A container ship knocked over two cranes in the port of Kaohsiung, in Taiwan. This is the outcome of an accident which occurred on the night of 3 June in the port of Kaohsiung, the largest port in Taiwan, and the 15th largest in the world, during a badly performed manoeuvre.

According to local sources, the container ship, OOCL Durban, belonging to the company,  OOCL, was moving out of a berth previously assigned to another vessel. While manoeuvring towards pier 66 in the port of Kaohsiung, the ship, 316 metres long, with a gross tonnage of 86, 679 tonnes, first hit a smaller vessel that was docked at the pier, then hit a crane belonging to Yangming Shipping.

The impact with crane GC8, created a domino effect and caused the collapse of crane GC6, both crashing into a pile of shipping containers, which also partially collapsed. In the video, which went viral on social media and the web, a number of workers can be seen running away to safety. Local sources, however, confirm there were three injured. A similar incident occurred in April 2020 in the port of Busan, South Korea.


Giuseppe Orrù

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