10 January 2022

A ship carrying new automobiles arrives in Russia covered in ice: the video

10 January 2022

The Ro-Ro ship, Sun Rio, departing from Japan with a load of new automobiles, docked in the port of Vladivostok, Russia, completely covered in ice. The temperature was -30

The Ro-Ro ship, Sun Rio, departing from Japan with a load of new automobiles, docked in the port of Vladivostok, Russia, completely covered in ice. The temperature was -30

1 minutes of reading

New automobiles have arrived, but they are completely covered in ice, just like the ship that carried them from Japan to Russia.

The Ro-Ro ship, “Sun Rio” arrived in the port of Vladivostok, Russia, with its cargo of new automobiles, stored on the deck. Over the last few days, however, this part of Russia has seen temperature drop to 30 below zero. The cold, added to the spray from the water and strong winds, created a thick layer of ice, up to 15 centimetres high, which covered not only the entire superstructure of the cargo vessel, but also the vehicles being transported.

In some vehicles, the ice caused damage, breaking windows and mirrors. Even the seats and interior of the vehicles were covered completely in ice as can been seen by the images in a video which quickly went viral online. The video was taken on 28 December and in just a few hours it was all over the internet and social media networks. The automobiles were then offloaded one by one with the help of a crane.

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