26 March 2021

Container ship turns and blocks the Suez Canal: ship jam. The video

26 March 2021
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The container ship, “MV Ever Given” turned while crossing the Suez canal, running aground and blocking the busiest connection in the world in both directions

The container ship, “MV Ever Given” turned while crossing the Suez canal, running aground and blocking the busiest connection in the world in both directions

2 minutes of reading

The container ship, “MV Ever Given” turned while crossing the Suez Canal, running aground and blocking one of the busiest maritime connections in the world, in both directions In order to free the ship, which probably ran aground because of the wind compromising its manoeuvres, the tug boats had to be called in.

At both entrances to the Canal queues of ships formed, waiting to be able to transit through the canal connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. The “MV Ever Given” belonging to the company, Evergreen, had come from China and was heading to Holland. Built in 2018, it is 400 metres long, 59 metres wide, with a gross tonnage of 219,079 GT and can transport 20,388 containers.

According to local sources, the cause of the incident could be attributed to the strong winds which compromised the manoeuvre. However, there is also a hypothesis of a malfunction in the electrical system during transit, a black out which could have made it impossible to control the ship. The strong winds would have then turned it causing it to run aground in the shallow waters near the edge of the canal. A number of videos have already begun circulating online showing the queues to the North and South.


Video: @6bbwSzkarJjXIN / Twitter, Almed Sallam / Twitter, Vessel Finder / Youtube

Giuseppe Orrù

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