14 December 2022

The new Virgin Voyages cruise ship, Resilient Lady, has been delivered

14 December 2022
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Fincantieri has delivered the Resilient Lady, the new Virgin Voyages cruise ship. This is the third of four ships commissioned by the new American cruising company

The new Virgin Voyages cruise ship, Resilient Lady, has been delivered

Fincantieri has delivered the Resilient Lady, the new Virgin Voyages cruise ship. This is the third of four ships commissioned by the new American cruising company

2 minutes of reading

The “Resilient Lady”, the new Virgin Voyages cruise ship, built by Fincantieri, has been delivered.

Resilient Lady is the third of four ships commissioned to Fincantieri by Virgin Voyages, the new operator for the cruising segment of Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group. The ship had been docked in the port of Palermo since July.

The Resilient Lady is the quadruplet of the “Scarlet Lady,” “Valiant Lady,” and “Brilliant Lady,” which was launched just two weeks ago. They have a gross tonnage of 110 thousand tonnes, a length of 278 metres and a width of 38.

All units of the class are equipped with over 1400 cabins, capable of hosting over 2,770 passengers, assisted by a crew of 1,160 people, guaranteeing Virgin’s distinctive style.


The quality of life on board is guaranteed by its “comfort class” certification, guaranteeing minimum levels of noise and vibrations, and by the extensive use of domotics, thanks to which passengers can manage a wide range of cabin functions (air conditioning, lighting, curtains, music and television) through an app installed on their smartphones.

This ship has an original design and particular attention was given to energy conservation thanks to the use of the latest alternative technology in the industry for reducing overall environmental impact. The ships are equipped with a 1 MW energy production system that uses waste heat from the diesel engines.


In addition, on all four ships, scrubber systems have been installed – these are devices used for the sustainable disposal of sulphur oxides, and a catalytic converter that can also reduce nitrogen oxide emissions. The units use LED lights to reduce energy consumption, while the hydrodynamic design of the hull ensures excellent performance, guaranteeing fuel savings.


The launch of the Resilient Lady

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