07 August 2021

100% Italian made dive watches by Maggi Officine

07 August 2021
Article reserved for DN Plus members

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Watches by Maggi Officine are made by hand and encompass their passion for the sea and for diving

100% Italian made dive watches by Maggi Officine

Watches by Maggi Officine are made by hand and encompass their passion for the sea and for diving

3 minutes of reading

A passion for watches, a passion for the sea and a passion for diving united in one single product: this is how these 100% Italian hand-made watches by Maggi Officine came to light.

The diving watch currently on the market is the M1 model, with its high performance, withstanding pressures up to 300 m/1000 ft. The hands and numbers glow in the dark and the bezel clicks in an anti-clockwise direction The M1 has automated Swiss movement with a scratch-resistant, non-reflective sapphire glass and for the more traditional divers, with treated convex plexi-galss (esalite).

LN interviewed the founder of Maggi Officine, Massimo Maggi, who shared the story and philosophy of this new company, and the uniqueness of its products.

When did you begin making watches?

“My father made and sold watched and he passed on his passion for these fascinating machines, in addition to his passion for the sea. I began working with “Ederal” and over the years I made watches for other companies like, for example, “Squale”. Then, last year, I decided to make fully Italian-made dive watches and decided to open Maggi Officine. Now I work together with 15 small businesses and artisans around Italy and each one of them works on a piece: the body, the strap, the buckles…each element is made in Italy. In addition, I also work together with highly innovative companies to guarantee a product that uses the latest technology.”

Talk to us about the M1 watch.

“This model comes in three different versions: steel, black steel, and two-toned steel with a bronze bezel. For this model there is the option of a rubber watch band or a water-resistant leather band. The watch has a classic design inspired by the 1960s, it is made using innovative techniques and the best systems in Italy, with the best materials and the best techniques. In autumn we will be releasing a new model.”

Do you work on the entire process, from idea to manufacture?

“Yes, exactly. We are a small company that starts with an idea and works through to manufacture. The design comes from my experience, just like all the phases of production. In general, it takes me 5 months to make a watch. But there are also personalisations. Some yacht clubs and companies are asking us to make them personalised watches with custom faces and engravings on the bottom of the watch, as well as dedications. I really love personalising, thinking about every single need for those who appreciate and love details.”

What is your philosophy?

“We want to create a product that is completely made in Italy, and that reflects our passion and respect for the sea. For example, in packaging our watches we use ecological paper made using seaweed that grows in the Venice Lagoon, damaging the lagoon’s ecosystem.”

What is your main market?

“Currently we sell mostly to watch shops and diving shops, but a few months ago, we launched a new website, where we also sell abroad, like, for example in Asia or America. We hope to soon be able to take part in industry trade shows with other companies that make products made in Italy.”

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