24 April 2020

Garmin’s new “perspectives” with its Panoptix series has revolutionised fishing techniques

24 April 2020
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The newest function of the revolutionary Panoptix series is called: "Perspective Mode”, supplying real time images of the objects and fish present around and below a vessel

Garmin’s new “perspectives” with its Panoptix series has revolutionised fishing techniques

The newest function of the revolutionary Panoptix series is called: "Perspective Mode”, supplying real time images of the objects and fish present around and below a vessel

2 minutes of reading

The newest function presented by Garmin is called Perspective Mode , and allows for a detailed and even clearer view of the objects and fish surrounding a vessel. Thanks to the new mounting bracket for the LiveScope LVS32 transducer, fishermen can use the Perspective Mode function, which integrates with the already present LiveScope Forward and LiveScope Down.

Panoptix technology has revolutionised fishing techniques, even more so than the launch of the Panoptix LiveScope series, supplying real time images of the objects and fish around and under the vessel. With the new Perspective Mode function, the LiveScope LVS32 transducer supplies even more realistic and precise images of everything found below and around the sides of the vessel.

Thanks to the technology used, the chart plotter automatically identifies the transducer’s installation method, consequently modifying the visualisation method on the display, with no direct work needed from the user: simply rotate the transducer laterally to activate the Perspective Mode function.

Returning it to its initial position, users can then reactivate the LiveScope Forward and LiveScope Down functions. All three modes provide incredibly sharp real time images of the fish under and in front of the vessel, with a noticeable distinction and clarity of the targets.

Panoptix LiveScope LVS32 is equipped with a very sensitive integrated AHRS sensor which continuously updates the signal to compensate for the movement of the boat caused by the waves. In this manner, it guarantees a stable image and creates a sharp and precise view, even in rough seas.

The Panoptix LiveScope echo sounder is made up of the GLS 10 black box module and the LVS32 transducer. Thanks to the plug and play connector, it is easy to install and integrates perfectly with chart plotters that are compatible with Garmin Marine. In addition, thanks to its complete compatibility with the Garmin Marine Network, it is possible to share the high resolution images between multiple networked Garmin Marine chart plotters.

The new Perspective Mode function is already available through the latest software update. The bracket for Perspective Mode will be available before the end of the first trimester of 2020, at a price of 99.99 euros, inclusive of VAT.


Giuseppe Orrù

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