14 November 2024

Navaltecnosud present their modular boat rack at the METS in Amsterdam

14 November 2024
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This rack by Navaltecnosud can accommodate two 2.9 metre or three 2-metre boats

Navaltecnosud present their modular boat rack at the METS in Amsterdam

This rack by Navaltecnosud can accommodate two 2.9 metre or three 2-metre boats

2 minutes of reading

Navaltecnosud, an Italian company specialised in supporting shipbuilders, is participating in another important international event, presenting some of their top products. Navaltecnosud will be presenting its modular boat rack at METS in Amsterdam, running from 19 to 21 November.

This is an essential accessory to guarantee boats are positioned correctly on land during storage. This particular structure is comprised of a standard 6-metre-long module that is 4 metres deep with a height of 3 metres per level.

Each module can accommodate two 2.9-metre or three 2-metre-long boats. The different level configurations are created by using modular elements: one is the base, while the others are extensions that can be added, depending on the number of boats to be stored.


The distinctive trait of the shelf rack is how the boats are supported. Differently from traditional racks, that use two horizontal wooden beams, Navaltecnosud uses two steel bars, complete with high resistance fenders, that safely and securely enclose the hull.

All supports use a fender to ensure full contact with the boat hill, guaranteeing stability and safety, while, at the same time, protecting the hull from scratches that can be caused by wood. All of Navaltecnosud’s products have CE Certification and all the main characteristics can be personalised.

By Valerio Caccavale



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