30 March 2023

On 31 March in Lavagna the BIIM will be launched, the first innovative modular hybrid boat

30 March 2023
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BIIM, with an overall length of 13 meters, will have a wooden hull and superstructure with covering in natural fibres and resins. This is how it works.

On 31 March in Lavagna the BIIM will be launched, the first innovative modular hybrid boat

BIIM, with an overall length of 13 meters, will have a wooden hull and superstructure with covering in natural fibres and resins. This is how it works.

2 minutes of reading

The launch date for BIIM Battello Ibrido Innovativo Modulare [Modular Innovative Hybrid Boat] is fast approaching; the winner of the European tender launched by Regione Liguria, aims at demonstrating the validity of hydrogen as an alternative fuel for on-board power generation. On Friday, 31 March, at 10:30, the boat will touch the water for the first time in the port of Lavagna.

For this design, NAMES focused on studying the efficiency of the hull lines and streamlining construction: robust, but without excessive displacement. And with the environment in mind, the hull has been made using only environmentally sustainable materials.

The project is coordinated by ATS, the lead created through the union of a number of project partners: NAMES, Costruzioni Navali Tigullio, Duferco Engineering, Blue Energy Revolution, Vulkan Italia and I.Mar.S.


BIIM, the Modular Innovative Hybrid Boat is a project that includes the design and construction of an integrated life-size prototype using environmentally sustainable materials, with diesel and electric propulsion, connected through the use of an innovative hybrid transmission, sea salt batteries and fuel cells.

In addition to using two 100 kW diesel engines, BIIM can navigate in hybrid mode thanks to two 30 kW electric engines, allowing the boat to be used in full electric mode, completely silent and with zero emissions. The two electric engines are powered by sea salt batteries and fuel cells powered by hydrogen stored in metal hydride tanks.

The vessel, with an overall length of 13 meters, has a wooden hull and superstructure with covering in natural fibres and resins. The project was supported by a non-repayable grant co-financed by the Liguria European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020. Construction is lead by Duferco Engineering, with an allowable investment of 1,774,241.33 euros and a non-repayable grant of 1,088,183.70 euros.


Overall length: 13.00m

Waterline Length: 10.45 m

Maximum Beam: 4.21 m

Height: 1.60 m

Full-load draught: 0.80 m

Displacement with full-load: 14 t

Passengers: 8

Fuel Capacity: 800L

Fresh water tanks: 120L

Engines: 2 x Nanni N4.140 – 2 x 99.4 kW @ 2600 rpm; 2 x 30 kW electric engines

Maximum speed: 11 knots

Cruising Speed: 8 knots

Builder: Costruzioni Navali Tigullio.



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