POD International water toys – part of a dream yacht holiday – Video by DN

12 June 2024
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POD International is a specialised distributor of water toys and yachting products for Europe

POD International is a specialised distributor of water toys and yachting products for Europe

2 minutes of reading

One  thing to keep into account in luxury charter is the choice of water toys, accessories that lead to fun and carefree moments with friends and family. POD International, official distributor for yacht accessories based in Germany, offers a complete range of toys: from jet ski equipment to waterparks, yacht platforms through to accessories for water sports such as stand up paddling, kayaking or balance boarding.

Alongside the 34th edition of the MYBA Charter Show held at the Marina Molo Vecchio in Genova, Daily Nautica interviewed Verena Lillitsch, Sales manager for POD International.


The innovative yacht platforms by Yacht Beach, official supplier for POD International, create a private beach complete with pool and more. Yacht Beach’s premium platforms and wharfs are very versatile, and can be used for any type of activity, including fitness and yoga, or for organising a floating party.

These rectangular or hexagonal platforms can be combined in a number of different ways. With their exclusive connection system, users can quickly and easily build islands complete with docking stations for jet skis, dinghies, Seabob’s SUPs, e-foils and more. The material used is non-slip, saltwater  and UV resistant guaranteeing long-lasting luxury comfort.


POD International has a large network of suppliers in the water sports sector, thereby offering any kind of water toy for yachts.  Their product portfolio includes slides for yachts, ocean pools, piers of jet skis, climbing walls, water skis, wakeboard, tubes, kayaks, SUPs, as well as neoprene jetpilots. Most of these articles can be made to order to satisfy client needs.

To manage their dealerships in Germany, Austria and the rest of Europe, POD International has a team of specialists in waterparks, wakeboarding, water skiing, neoprene and water sports accessories, as will as marketing specialists, sales staff and product managers dedicated to each brand, product and client.


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