03 December 2024

Seabird 400X: welcome to electric 2.0 in high speed boating

03 December 2024
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Seabird Technologies have presented their concept for new high powered electric foiling, an evolution of “The Racebird”

Seabird Technologies have presented their concept for new high powered electric foiling, an evolution of “The Racebird”

2 minutes of reading

Seabird Technologies have presented their newest concept, Seabird 400X, a high power electric outboard designed to push the envelope even further in standards for marine propulsion.

Seabird 400X: evolution of The Racebird

Premiered during the Metstrade 2024, Seabird 400X continues the research begun by the London-based shipyard, who created and built the first fully electric racing foil, “The Racebird”, which showed the boating industry how, even through the decarbonisation process of the industry, there is no need to compromise on speed. Quite the opposite.

The aim – explains Richard Draisey, CEO for Seabird Technologies – is to accelerate towards a cleaner future for the boating industry. Our innovations have been forged in the flames of competition and now we are excited to transfer what we have learned to the pleasure boating sector. Our #ClearWater vision represents our ambition to take a new step forward in electric propulsion, leaving the water we love intact and clean.

This new design provides the excitement of flying over the water, combined with style and high performance and silent ergonomics, thanks to the highly efficient propulsion with a minimum environmental impact.

Meticulously designed from scratch based on an 800 V electric engine, Seabird 400X guarantees peak power of around 400 kW(530HP+) and continues power of 300kW (400 HP), hidden in a compact and hydrodynamic hull that is extremely light: only 200 kg for electric 2.0.

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