Simrad systems are increasingly powerful: here are the new functions for NSO, NSS and GO

14 July 2020
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Simrad has announced a new software update for systems in the NSO, NSS and GO series, making them more powerful with increased functionality for an even more exciting cruising or fishing experience

Simrad systems are increasingly powerful: here are the new functions for NSO, NSS and GO

Simrad has announced a new software update for systems in the NSO, NSS and GO series, making them more powerful with increased functionality for an even more exciting cruising or fishing experience

3 minutes of reading

Simrad equipment in the NSO, NSS and GO series are becoming even more powerful, making for even more exciting cruising or fishing experiences. Simrad, a brand of the Navico group, has announced new software updates for its NSO, NSS and GO systems.

Update 20.0 includes a series of new and powerful functions, including the synchronisation of the route planner in the C-MAP app, the updating function of  NMEA 2000 for Mercury VesselView Link, performance improvements for Command (previously Naviop), accessory control of the freshwater trawler fishing motor Lowrance Ghost, Rhodan trawler motors and much more.

For Simrad compatible multifunction displays (MFD), the new software will synchronise the route planning software for the C-MAP app, allowing sailors to synchronise the data created by the user, like routes, waypoints and trails between the C-MAP app and the MFD. Pleasure boaters and fishermen can use the C-MAP app to plan future travel from their smart phones, tablets or computers, keeping all the information needed to sail or fish on hand.

Another improvement is the information in Command, which was previously accessed through a web browser, to execute on Simrad MFD displays. With this new update, Command is now executed in a native manner, as part of the operative system, and is directly accessible through a Command button in the opening screen. The integration of Command into the Simrad operative system allows for faster runtimes, increased reactivity and full screen execution or as part of a shared screen.

VesselView Link is a motor interface through the Mercury black box which connects SmartCraft data to the NMEA 2000 network. VesselView Link was traditionally updated through an SD card, making an update difficult if it was installed in a position that was hard to access. With this software version, however, the VessleView Link software updates can be carried out through a MFD using a NMEA 2000 network.

In addition, the update allows Simrad users to control accessories previously incompatible with Simrad displays. Users of Simrad NSOevo2, evo3 and NSSevo3 can visualise and control from their Simrad MFD the FLIR M232 marine thermal camera with panoramic function and  angles, one of FLIR’s smallest and most convenient.

Users of the Simrad GO display series will find a new page in the App tools, with improved layout and functionality, offering an updated and clean look in line with the design of the rest of the system. In addition, the tool page is available in horizontal vertical or shared screen format with improved performance, allowing for the overview of multiple equipment views and to expand the selection and performance of specific indicators.

The update also allows users to control compatible Power-Pole anchors, to manage the battery usage, supporting up to six Mercury motors.  “We are really enthusiastic – notes Knut Frostas, CEO for Navico – to be able to offers our Simrad clients this advanced function. We are not only always working to add new functions, but to also make existing functions faster, effective and easy to use”.


Giuseppe Orrù

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