28 September 2023

Stripspeed: the latest from Propspeed presented at the Genoa Boat Show – Interview with the CEO

28 September 2023

Stripspeed is a functional varnish with no environmental impact, used to remove antifouling coating

Stripspeed: the latest from Propspeed presented at the Genoa Boat Show – Interview with the CEO

Stripspeed is a functional varnish with no environmental impact, used to remove antifouling coating

1 minutes of reading

Propspeed, a New Zealand based company which has been a global leader in the production of antifouling coatings for 24 years, has presented, at the 63rd Genoa Boat Show, their latest product: Stripspeed. This is an easy-to-apply varnish that helps clients remove antifouling coatings. Without any need for mixing, thanks to its compact consistency, Stripspeed can be applied to vertical and suspended walls (like those around the propeller) to remove antifouling coatings in less than 30 minutes.

Illustrating their products, Marcus Hamilton, CEO for Propspeed, spoke to Daily Nautica. “We are honoured – said Hamilton – to be taking part in the Genoa Boat Show. We are launching two important new products: Stripspeed, and our app, for smartphones and tablets, helping our clients calculate the amount of product necessary to apply.

Propspeed was created to adapt to every kind of salt water environment. “Because of the rise in water temperatures – states the Propseed advert – our varnish is increasingly important to stop the growth of marine organisms. But the added value of this product is that it can work while having no toxic impact on the water and habitat.


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