The Sealence Hotel System débuts at the Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo Europe in Amsterdam

24 June 2022
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Sealence has presented its new Sealence Hotel System in Amsterdam. It supplies energy to the vessel for at least 12 hours, in complete silence and with zero emissions.

Sealence has presented its new Sealence Hotel System in Amsterdam. It supplies energy to the vessel for at least 12 hours, in complete silence and with zero emissions.

2 minutes of reading

An international début for the Sealence Hotel System, the newest project by the Italian start-up, Sealence, presented during the Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo Europe, which took place in Amsterdam between 21 and 23 June.

The Sealence Hotel System has been created to supply energy to the vessel for at least 12 hours, in complete silence and with zero emissions. No more vibrations, buzzing, or smells, but without having to give up using and keeping on all the utilities on board. Infinite energy that is quiet and clean serving the many utilities on board a megayacht, as we shared previously in this article.

We would like to thank the many visitors and journalists – writes Sealence – who came to our mobile office #1, and who showed their interest in our green propulsion and our new SHS, our energy supply system for hotel services on board. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet you all!

The Italian company met visitors to the Dutch show and presented its many innovations (including their electric propulsion, DeepSpeed) inside a futuristic mobile office. A sort of “space ship” where visitors could discover the future of vessel propulsion and increase comfort on board.

The new Sealence Hotel System woks as an innovative  fireproof powerbank , available in the sizes 80, 160 and 320 kWh, supplying power to all of the ship’s services and that, when running low, has an equally innovative charging system that will fully recharge the system in only 20 minutes. All of this can also be achieved in the open water, with no need to connect to ground electricity.

At the Electric & Hybrid Marine Expo Europe there were nearly a dozen Italian exhibitors. Among these, in addition to Sealence, were also Fincantieri and another start-up working in hydrogen propulsion,  h2boat. The Genoese start-up presented its hydrogen system for yachts, megayachts and sail boats, that we shared with you here.


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