23 March 2021

Yachtalia lands in Fort Lauderdale

23 March 2021
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The well-known global provider of high tech marine products and services announces the opening of a new office in Fort Lauderdale focused on supplies, assistance and maintenance

Yachtalia lands in America

The well-known global provider of high tech marine products and services announces the opening of a new office in Fort Lauderdale focused on supplies, assistance and maintenance

3 minutes of reading

Over the last decade, Yachtalia established itself as a unique premium provider for services, products and spare parts from the most prestigious makers. Those products – gangways, doors & hatches, wipers, cleats & fairleads, lift systems and garage doors, monitoring & security systems are present on most of the yachts and superyachts made by shipyards such as Absolute, Azimut, Benetti, Cranchi, Custom Line, Ferretti, Mangusta, Pershing, Riva, Sanlorenzo.

After the recent opening of the Singapore office, Yachtalia today announces its landing in the US to maintain, repair, refit and survey new, pre-owned and existing vessels. This presence will include not only technical support but at the same time specific  tailor-made services, from full project management to last-minute assistance requests.

In particular, a great focus will be on original spare-parts supplies from the best european makers, with which Yachtalia works everyday since its inception. Response, effectiveness and the ability of sourcing any components with global delivery capabilities are the main characteristics that have made Yachtalia Parts and Components department so effective and successful.

Paolo Tazzini, CEO at Yachtalia, commented: We opened in Singapore last year and after few months our business expansion strategy is vibrant more than ever. With its key strategic location, Fort Lauderdale is uniquely placed when it comes to yachting traffic. Our customers are never alone, in every Sea of the World. Our Global footprint is the answer to the needs of greatest Shipyards and professionals”.

Claudio Di Stefano foto - Yachtalia

Claudio Di Stefano

New-build and refit shipyards, owners, captains and professionals can now benefit from Yachtalia famous assistance and spare parts also in Florida, Bahamas, USA, and Caribbean. The activities of Yachtalia in the region are coordinated by Claudio Di Stefano, an Italian with a strong experience in yachting, based in Fort Lauderdale.

With Claudio, Yachtalia provides engineering, organizational and logistic support in construction and refitting projects, as well as service and parts support, for customers in the whole region. He will be the unique point of reference in the commercial and operative management, which will involve local and european specialists. US-based customers can enjoy the comfort of knowing that Yachtalia teams travel everywhere in the world 24/7 to operate on all on-board systems, with the amazing benefit of local presence in strategic sites around the globe.

Yachtalia’s offer portfolio is dedicated to owners, captains, managers and refit Shipyards and includes a full range of services and top quality products like Besenzoni gangways, BCM and Cantalupi lights, Data hidrolik mooring devices, Gallinea TV lift and windscreen wipers, GOST security systems, H+B technics lift-systems, Naviop monitoring, Nemo doors and portholes, Opacmare accessories, Seakeeper gyro stabilizers, CMC Waveless fins stabilizers, and more.

Targeting the world’s greatest superyacht community, this agreement will represent an important reference point for many boats starting from the upcoming season.

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