09 September 2020

Silent-Resorts, the “new era for ocean independence”

09 September 2020
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Silent-Yachts is promoting a new idea for environmentally sustainable resorts using its solar-powered catamarans

Silent-Yachts is promoting a new idea for environmentally sustainable resorts using its solar-powered catamarans

3 minutes of reading

Silent-Yachts, an Austrian shipyard specialised in building solar powered catamarans, has started a new entrepreneurial adventure with an innovative use for its silent vessels. With the company Silent-Resorts, created through their partnership with the design studio, TrueDesign, they intend to promote the development of sustainable and fully reversible resorts along coastlines and on ocean islands, the destination every year for tourists looking for exclusiveness and beauty.

The idea is simple: a flexible and pre-engineered solution which includes a pier with different terminals and a series of Silent-Yachts catamarans. These will be transformed into mobile villas, ready to welcome guests with all the comforts of a traditional pied dans l’eau residence but with the additional possibility of raising anchor and moving during the day.

This new project – explains Michael Köhler, founder and CEO of Silent-Yachts – is in line with our strategy of offering our clients a sustainable experience, to enjoy in silence without polluting. The advantages are also part of the construction process: no more costly buildings in remote locations, long waiting times for planning permission, complex engineering or the development of invasive infrastructures on land. We can supply, with a quick turnaround, a floating luxury resort: an experience nobody else can offer.”

Declared to be keys in hand in just 18 months, each complex, completely managed by Silent-resorts in every step, will be electrically autonomous , thanks to the use of solar power. The catamarans, 18 or 24 metres long, are conceived to be proper luxury villas, with fours suites, each with a private bathroom, a large day area and kitchen, as well as open spaces and other accessory services.

Free to move around for daytime cruises, they will promote a “new era of ocean independence”, according to the builders, who have already planned for a large range of design solutions, to include other structures on shore for reception, restaurants, clubhouses with pool, further suites and beach equipment. All conceived with a fully flexible and expandable layout, also based on the economic investment of future entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry.

We are already in talks – reveals Köhler – with investors interested in the development of a private Caribbean island. Resort owners will be attracted by a low cost investment and low maintenance costs, for a Silent-Resorts complex, equivalent to a fraction of traditional properties. The rooms are no longer connected to the land or specific lots, because they are on board floating villas. In this manner, they become ‘personal property’ and no longer require the need for costly and complex purchases of land in foreign countries, with a consequential reduction in tax paperwork.


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